Psalm 86:7 When I am in distress, I call to you,
because you answer me.
Have you ever needed to make a distress call to 112 or 911? Such a call is always answered, in normal circumstances. However, it also happens that the operator can put you on hold, in extraordinary circumstances.
Not so with God.
Whenever you call to Him, He will answer. I love David’s faith declaration in this: I call to you, because you answer me.
David knew that God will answer when we call out to Him in our distress. He had experienced God’s faithfulness and he knew he would experience it again.
Are you in distress? You can call out to friends. You can call out to the police. You can call out to Google or the government. All can disappoint. God never will. And he will answer. Always.
One thought on “Distress call”
Bedankt voor het delen Anne, kon ik vanmorgen echt wel gebruiken.
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