Don’t be afraid

Posted on Posted in Bijbel, denken, Evangelie, Geloof, Getuigen

Genesis 50:20 “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid.”

This is one of the most powerful verses of the Bible. It is spoken by someone with a great character and a great revelation of the character of God: Joseph.

Joseph realised that what his brothers had done was bad. They intended to harm him. But he also saw that God used the bad for good: the saving of many lives. That is why he told them: “do not be afraid”.

God knows the bigger picture. Even when evil intends to harm you, God will use it all for good (Rom. 8:28). Even when viruses sweep the world, God will use it all for good. Even when the Son of God dies on a cross, and the devil and his demons are laughing, God will use it all for good.

God can make a message out of a mess. God has the last word on everything.

So: don’t be afraid.