God of the “unqualified”

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Genesis 12:11-13 As he was about to enter Egypt, he said to his wife Sarai, “I know what a beautiful woman you are. When the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife.’ Then they will kill me but will let you live. Say you are my sister, so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you.”

God called Abram, and through him, a great nation will be born. The Lord promised to make Abram’s name great and to bless his life that he may be a blessing to many. Like several Christians today, Abram lived for the glory of God, and he had the grace that included:

  • The Lord speaking to Abram
  • The Lord appearing to Abram
  • Abram building an altar to the Lord

The unmerited favour of God was upon Abram’s life.

When Abram was about to enter Egypt, he saw an obstacle, and he chose to lie instead of trusting in the power of the Lord. Abram dealing with an issue using his own understanding shows that he wasn’t called because he was qualified, but God qualified him through the calling.

In one way or another, we are all unqualified for what God is calling us to do, and God knows it. But the excellent news is that only God will qualify us for his promises in our lives.

One thought on “God of the “unqualified”

  1. We are never qualified for anything. It’s God who qualifies us to perform the good deeds he has prepared in advance for us to practice. Read Ephesians 2: 8-10

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