Nehemiah 7:1 After the wall had been rebuilt and I had set the doors in place, the gatekeepers, the musicians and the Levites were appointed.
God is a God of structure. He created the world in six days, and every day had an order to it. The human body He created has order. The universe operates according to certain laws and orders.
Likewise, the church Jesus is building has an order. Not everyone is a prophet, not everyone is a musician, not everyone is a leader. God anoints and God appoints certain people in certain positions. He does that through the order of the apostles and prophets as the foundation (see Ephesians 2:20).
When God appoints you, through the laying on of hands, you can be sure He will anoint you by His Spirit. Whether you are a musician, a gatekeeper, a Levite, a prophet, a teacher, an evangelist, a worker, a father, a leader or a builder, God makes sure that all the positions are filled so that His church can be built!