Enter the Sabbath-Rest

Posted on Posted in Aanbidding, denken, Geloof, Genade, Jezus, Werk

Hebrews 4:3 Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said.

The keeping of the Sabbath was one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8) and instituded further in Exodus 31. As the seventh day of the week, the keeping of it came back every week. A weekly return to rest, a weekly reminder of grace.

On 5 May every year, we celebrate freedom in The Netherlands (Liberation Day), when we remember that on that day we were officially freed from foreign occupation (WWII). Like the Sabbath, the celebration of this freedom happens on a regular basis. Year to year we take a moment to celebrate freedom. This reminder returns every year.

It is good to do things regularly. To go to church every week. To read the Word and pray every day. To celebrate your birthday. To celebrate the Sabbath. However, the New Testament promises us so much more than a weekly return to rest. Because of Jesus, we do not have to keep the Sabbath week by week, rather we enter a lifelong rest, because we believe in the work He has already done. We do not have to labor for grace. We can only receive it. We enter God’s rest, by believing in what Christ has done for us. And this brings us to a permanent state of rest.

Let’s celebrate that, not just today, but every moment we think of it!