Colossians 4:2 Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving. (AMP)
Paul starts by reminding us that we ought to be persistent and devoted to our prayer life. Prayer is not just something that we do every Sunday, but it is a lifestyle.
And Jesus demonstrated this lifestyle to us when He was on earth, and He is still interceding for us today (Romans 8:34). Jesus is God, yet He continuously prayed! Mark 1:35 says that very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Jesus’ prayer life helps us understand the value of frequently and individually interacting with God.
Paul also encourages us to be alert and focused in our prayer life. For instance, when having a one on one conversation with someone, such as a meeting or a date; the attention of the other person has a significant impact on how you would benefit from the discussion. People’s body language and their attention always give an idea of whether they are focused on a specific topic or whether they are absent-minded.
Paul is telling us when we pray; we ought to focus on God, and truly have a conversation with a thankful heart. The great part about conversations is that it is always a two way interaction which means we have to allow God to speak back through His words and the Holy Spirit.
Today’s challenge:
- Pray.
- Put your focus only on Jesus and praise Him.
- Have a 5 minutes quiet time to hear from God (Don’t rush in the world right after praying).