Mark 9:16 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
When we preach the Word, He will confirm it with signs. Isn’t it great to see God working signs and wonders? Some people have become so hungry for signs, that they have forgotten it was about preaching the Word. Our goal should be to preach the Word. The Lord will then confirm His Word by the signs that accompany it.
First the Word, then the signs. Our focus on the former, not the latter.
Preaching the Word brings change. The Word is alive and active. The Word is our daily bread. The Word convicts, the Word heals, the Word sets free, the Word restores. The best preaches are those filled with the Word of God. The best way to evangelise is to simply preach the Word. The gospel itself is the power of God unto salvation, for everyone who believes! (Rom. 1:16)
Let’s preach the Word. In season and out of season. And then see God bring the harvest. (2 Tim. 4:2)