Galatians 1:10 Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant. (NLT)
We live in a society where other people’s approval matters a lot because everyone has their lives on display. Today, it’s easy to share an opinion in a second, and everyone doesn’t like Jesus as He already warned us in John 15:20.
Nevertheless, the same passage from John 15:20 also says: if they had listened to me (Jesus), they would listen to you.
Many people feel like it’s challenging to share the Gospel, but it becomes easier when we make everything about Jesus. Paul is saying that the good news about Jesus doesn’t come from him, but the Holy Spirit inspired everything he preached. People praised God not because Paul was seeking the world’s approval, but because Paul was focused on pleasing Jesus Christ.
Everyone needs to hear the good news about Christ, and your participation is required!
God revealed His son to us so that we can proclaim the name of Jesus to the world around us. Your neighbours or family might like you less because you told them about Jesus, but you have the power to save their souls from eternal torment.
Before you were born in this world, God chose you by His marvellous grace. Therefore, God knows you more than you can ever know yourself, and that’s why his approval matters most.
Thus, choose to live a fulfilled life with Jesus Christ and through your testimony, save many souls for the kingdom of heaven.